Because we live in a reality governed by clearly defined laws, let's call them natural laws, universal laws, a large part of the pathologies of the "modern" human—manifesting in any area of life: physical, social, economic, political, or spiritual—are the consequence of forcing or disregarding these laws.
More succinctly defined, these pathologies are the direct consequence of the hegemony of specific factors such as:
📍extreme positivity,
📍happiness as the ultimate goal,
📍pleasure at any cost,
📍creativity squeezed from a "dry stone,"
📍idealized kindness, "straight from heaven,"
📍competitive success,
📍eternal, fabricated youth, "without old age,"
📍overnight wealth,
📍the trap of the verb “I know.”
And yes, we have been conditioned in this direction, but let’s appreciate the magnificent spectrum of life exactly as it is:
📍with the inherent negativity behind the positive,
📍with pieces of sadness or frustration, integral parts of reality’s fullness,
📍with "bitter" slices of displeasure that paradoxically give taste to pleasures,
📍with shadowy slowness that generates manifest creativity,
📍with harshness that polishes experiences and unravels "clinging" feelings,
📍with defeats that build mental and emotional maturity,
📍with volatile, declining markets, as we’ve seen in recent days, where the investors who have learned patience succeed,
📍with the dilemma of "I don’t know" that complements the arrogance of "I know,"
📍with the wisdom in snowy hair that alchemizes youth into a new form.
How can we, instead of running away from difficulty, despair, or the unknown—through dissociation, repression, denial, or illness—integrate these terrifying opposites with their invigorating partners?
In the Taoist vision of understanding Creation, a nuanced, subtle scale between polarities is expressed, not an abrupt and absolute separation between positive and negative.
In any continuum, opposites determine each other, co-exist simultaneously, collaborate, do not dispute supremacy, and engage in a measured, uninterrupted "dialogue."
Why not align our minds with this perspective?
Why persist in the errors of perception and prediction of the conditioned mind and not educate it, refine it to become a friend? As Seneca said, "the mind makes us rich even in exile if we know how to use it."
My message today is to train ourselves to be thoughtful in our thinking, not to be deceived by our own perception or the narrative that the mind plays for us with the same frames, not to follow the mirage of quick results, not to tread the same paths of action in the nervous system that lead to energy depletion and illness. Let’s center ourselves in the space of duality with deep roots so that the Self can shine healingly in its home.
I warmly invite you to a private session to unpack outdated perceptions that no longer serve your mission and higher purpose.
Together, we will transform the mental imbalance into systemic balance.